Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week

2025 Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week is May 5th - 9th!

Northfield Elementary School has an AWESOME group of hard working and dedicated teachers & staff. Every year during the first full week of May, the NES PTO (along with the rest of the educational community across the country) shows the teachers and staff its appreciation for all that they do for our children with gifts, special recognition, snacks & treats, and a luncheon. One week of thanks for an entire year of amazing effort and inspiration is our gift to all staff members of the NES community. Support from the wonderful NES families is needed to make this week a success! Thank you!!!

Please reach out to the PTO with questions or if you would like to help in any way.

 Email: NorthfieldElementaryPTO@gmail.com

Northfield Elementary School has a wonderful group of hard working, dedicated teachers and an outstanding support staff. Every year, we honor the teachers and staff for all that they do for our children. Teacher Appreciation Week is traditionally the first full week in May and the PTO shows it’s appreciation with gifts, special recognition and the Teacher’s Luncheon. Support from the wonderful NES families is needed to make this a successful week!