
Why We Fundraise...

A great school requires great support! With the decline in educational funding, the Teachers and Staff at Northfield Elementary School depend on supplemental funds from the PTO to help them attain their academic goals and to enrich the educational programs offered to our children. The NES PTO depends on the strong financial commitment and dedication of parents, families, friends and members of the community. With your support, we can ensure our school continues to thrive and excel, and that our children receive an amazing and well-rounded academic and social experience. 

Even though the school budget gets tighter every year, the PTO also understands that family's budgets get tighter too. For this reason, we want to offer fundraisers with products that you might be purchasing anyway or that you find useful. We also want to offer fundraising events that provide an opportunity for families to come together and have fun. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and suggestions are always welcome. Thank you in advance for supporting the PTO fundraisers and fundraising events!

What the PTO Funds...

The PTO has an annual budget of approximately $10,000.

Back-to-School Classroom Supplies - $1,600 is budgeted to purchase the basic classroom supplies at the beginning of each school year. The PTO purchased the following items for the start of the 2019-20 school year: 535 glue sticks, 100 bottles of white glue, 120 colored pencils, 60 boxes of crayons, 180 wide markers, 145 fine markers, 170 packs of pencils, 20 boxes of cap erasers, 105 handheld erasers, 100 pens, 72 yellow highlighters, 48 pink highlighters, 48 blue highlighters, 140 rolls of scotch tape, 48 boxes of tissues, and 81 rolls of paper towels.  As of the 2023-24 school year, the school district purchases ALL classroom supplies needed for each student! 

Educator Fund - Each classroom teacher is allotted $5 per student to spend on classroom needs. These funds have helped teachers purchase supplies for special projects, books for the classroom, and other needs not covered by the school budget. Other Special Area Educators receive $25 to spend on items needed to support student learning.

Field Trips - $1,600 is budgeted to provide funding to help cover transportation costs of field trips, with each grade receiving $200.

Enrichment Programs - $1,000 is budgeted to bring educational enrichment assemblies to all the students of NES.  

Playground Maintenance - $300 is budgeted to cover maintenance each year on the playground, including mulch under the play structures and supplies for the school garden.

Special Projects - $1,000 is budgeted to fund improvement projects at the school.  Some past improvements include: new audio systems for classrooms, new cafeteria dividers, staff room renovation, new storage cabinets in the cafeteria, painting of the school sign, and nameplates for the teachers and classrooms.

Community Engagement - $1,500 is budgeted to provide events that will bring together NES families, teachers, and staff. These events include the Ice Cream Social, the Family Dance, and Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week. The PTO also provides refreshments at Open House in the fall, the Early Education Open House in the spring, and for the 6th grade graduation each June.