
The NES PTO is planning to build a pavilion on the playground in June of 2025!
Support from the entire NES community will be needed for this project, from fundraising to help with the actual build. Please consider attending the next PTO meeting to find out how you can help, or email the PTO,

Your tax deductible donation is appreciated and can be mailed to: 

Northfield Elementary School
Attn: PTO
104 Main Street
Northfield, MA  01360

The playground at Northfield Elementary School is a place where children gather at recess, after school, on the weekends and during vacations. Over the past several years, many dedicated volunteers have worked to improve the aging playground and have made many improvements including the installation of the ten spin, the construction of a sandbox, the installation of the stump walk, the renovation of the outdoor toys storage shed, the installation of two new swing sets, and the installation of the two new play structures that were installed in August 2019. 

Playground Build thank you
PTO garden improvements 2017.pdf
PTO playground improvements 2016.pdf
PTO Playground Improvements Summer 2015.pdf